chugging along

Time for another update on our latest adventure! We have crossed so many more things off our list! I feel like we are really moving along now. Ahhh's a wonderful thing.

Here is what's left:

- Application
- SLED authorizations (scheduled!)
- Fingerprints (scheduled!)
- Discipline Agreement Form
- Financial Agreement Form
- Family History Form
- W-2's and pay stubs
- 14 hours of training
- Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Autobiography (mine is done, Eric's still working ;))
- Medical Report
- Child Factors Checklist
- Openness Checklist
- Birth Certificates
- Marriage License
- Social Security Cards
- Driver's License
- Pictures of home/family
- References
- Fire Inspection
- DHEC Inspection

See? I told you it was impressive!

Guess what else? We bought outlet covers and cabinet locks and have started installing them as well. These are things they will be looking for during our DHEC inspection.

And...the most exciting news (well at least for us) is that we have started working on our nursery. Nothing big but tangible things make the idea of having a child in our home feel like a reality. We got a dresser off Craigs List for $35, which will double as the changing table. My mom found a steal of a deal on a jogging stroller at a yard sale (used twice, originally $140, got it for $25!) and we got a closet organizer and crib from IKEA when we went to Charlotte on Mother's Day!

Exciting stuff. I will keep you posted!


  1. Woo Hoo! Moving right along..... how exciting. Thank you for keeping us posted. God's best to you and Eric. :) Bridget

  2. Well, I thought I posted something - guess not! Anyway, thank you for keeping us posted. I'm SO excited about the progress you have made. God's best to you and Eric :) Bridget

  3. oooh!! exciting! this was so hard to get through and felt like the paperwork was neverending...our full application with all that stuff was about 85 pages once we were done! eek! hang in there and press on!

  4. Yay!! So excited to see the progress! Love the crib...and can't wait to see the room when you finish. I know it will be beautiful!


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