
Tal and Acacia do an amazing job calling on the names of Jesus in this song. It's simple and beautiful, honest and reassuring.

The video isn't much to look at, but then that's not really the point is it?


I want to Gaze at you
Soak in all you do
so simply at your feet
To your voice so sweet
And Let time Pass Away

As I simply Praise
My Lord I cry
Jehovah Elohim
The Lord Most High
and When my hands are raised
My Knees they fall
As I simply Praise

As I see your blood stains
As I see your pain
And I'll dance, dance, dance
Because I am set free
You are my conqueror
Jehovah Nissi
And Let time Pass Away


Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
So Let time Pass Away


My Daddy, My Abba, My Best Friend

Send "Yahweh" Ringtone to Cell Phone

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