the almost a mother's day

You all know by now that Eric and I are pursuing adoption (posting on that again soon!) and we are very excited about it. However, that doesn't take the sting out of certain days and times of the year.

I recently celebrated my quarter-of-a-century birthday, which was bittersweet. I love birthdays! But it's also the age where I thought I would at least have one child.

Yesterday was Mother's Day. I love my mom and my mother-in-law and I love that there is a day to celebrate them and all they do for me. Yet I thought by now there would be new meaning to this day as well.

Eric and I decided to take an "I'm almost a mom" day just for us. We went to Charlotte to IKEA...which is kind of an obsession of ours. It was an amazing day of shopping, talking, laughing, and just generally enjoying each other. We did some things that made us feel like expectant parents (because we are!), but that's all I can tell you for now!

To all the mom's, whether biological, adopted, spiritual, expecting, or "paper pregnant," Happy Mother's Day to us all!

1 comment:

  1. I had such a great time with you yesterday! I love you more than anything in the entire world!


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