what a year can bring

It's my birthday.

Last year on this day...

I turned 26, still nestled safely within the "mid-twenties" range.
27? that's late twenties no matter how you slice it ;)

I ate at my absolute favorite restaurant, The Village Grill. It's kind of a birthday tradition I started for myself.

I was still carrying Ellis, though not many knew. I went to the hospital on my birthday to have blood drawn. The nurse who did it cried when she saw what the day was for me. I was too numb to care. Three days later, I had the D&C and started the real grieving process.

The day before my birthday I was also at the hospital, this time to see my sweet friend Jenn's new baby girl.

The day after my birthday I celebrated my littlest nephew's first birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAYCE!!!)

Last year on my birthday I was the angriest I've ever been at God. I ashamed to say that I have been angry at the one who holds me in the palm of his hand, but I was nonetheless.

What the Lord can do in a year. The forgiveness of my sins, the cleansing of my spirit, the renewal of my faith time and time again. An unforgettable trip to Costa Rica. A peace about growing our family in whatever way he chose for us. A church that stood by us. Friends and family that loved us at our ugliest. A marriage that stood the test of loss, and came out stronger.

And of course, as I sit here typing with my gargantuan sized belly, the sweet blessing of a little girl soon to make her self known to this world.

"So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten..." - Joel 2:25

What a year can bring. Thank you, Lord.


  1. Amazing when you look at it all laid out like that. What a better year! Thank you Lord!

    I feel so lucky to be able to go through all these times, good and bad, with you!

    Happy birthday Heather! LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. So sweet. This is God at his best: graceful and forgiving when we throw in his face the ugly of our lives, loving and faithful to bring us blessings beyond our imagination. Love you so much. Happy birthday, friend.

  3. "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten..." - Joel 2:25

    so glad about this

  4. Happy birthday sweet one! And I am rejoicing that this year you have so much to be thankful for and just think what next year will be like? A sweet little almost one year old baby girl to help you blow your candles out!

  5. It is very interesting when you can see how God has laced your last year together. And now, a sweet baby girl is going to join you in your beautiful life. God heals. God always triumphs. Rejoicing with you! Happy belated birthday. So excited to 'meet' your little girl real soon!


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