i'll be back
I'm going to have to take a short hiatus from blogging because...
We leave Sunday August 1st and will return August 11th. Please be praying for me, Eric, and the rest of our team. I promise I'll be back and a bloggin' machine soon!
costa rica,
hope is fading
This video by Allan Rosenow is just one example of why Eric and I have decided to pursue adoption.
"This was my capstone Senior project at the University of Cincinnati. The animations were for a site that doesn't really exist, but would have promoted adoption."
-Allan Rosenow
"This was my capstone Senior project at the University of Cincinnati. The animations were for a site that doesn't really exist, but would have promoted adoption."
-Allan Rosenow
memorial box monday - a parking spot
I am linking up with A Place Called Simplicity for Memorial Box Monday.
I have talked before about how I like to journal because it helps me to remember all that God has done in my life. I started this blog as a place where I can document my life and give things over to God, so it just makes sense to have a specific post dedicated to the little (and BIG) ways God takes care of us.
This is an old story, but it is one I continually turn to when seeking God's provision in my life. My last year of college I was married and living in an apartment off campus. I had to drive to school everyday. I was a math major, and all of my classes were in the oldest building on campus, which happened to have the smallest parking lot, which happened to be when the entire school was under construction.
The next closest place to park was at least a 10 minute walk and parking in non-designated spots got you a hefty $50 ticket. So everyday I left 30 minutes early in hopes of catching someone leaving said parking lot so I could get their spot and not be late for class. For the first month, I was late every day.
I decided to start praying on my ride to school in the mornings. I'd pray for my professors, other students in my class, my dear husband at his new job and then at the end I'd say "and God, please allow me to find a parking spot today."
Without fail, from that day on my God provided a spot for me. It could be 20 minutes before class or 2, there would be that one glorious spot. I wasn't late again. On my last day of that semester I broke down crying in my car in awe that my God cared so much about me that he provided me even the smallest of requests.
I serve a loving God for sure.
I have talked before about how I like to journal because it helps me to remember all that God has done in my life. I started this blog as a place where I can document my life and give things over to God, so it just makes sense to have a specific post dedicated to the little (and BIG) ways God takes care of us.
This is an old story, but it is one I continually turn to when seeking God's provision in my life. My last year of college I was married and living in an apartment off campus. I had to drive to school everyday. I was a math major, and all of my classes were in the oldest building on campus, which happened to have the smallest parking lot, which happened to be when the entire school was under construction.
The next closest place to park was at least a 10 minute walk and parking in non-designated spots got you a hefty $50 ticket. So everyday I left 30 minutes early in hopes of catching someone leaving said parking lot so I could get their spot and not be late for class. For the first month, I was late every day.
I decided to start praying on my ride to school in the mornings. I'd pray for my professors, other students in my class, my dear husband at his new job and then at the end I'd say "and God, please allow me to find a parking spot today."
Without fail, from that day on my God provided a spot for me. It could be 20 minutes before class or 2, there would be that one glorious spot. I wasn't late again. On my last day of that semester I broke down crying in my car in awe that my God cared so much about me that he provided me even the smallest of requests.
I serve a loving God for sure.
memorial box monday,
my saviour
your name high
I got to see Hillsong live last night.
Yes. I know, amazing! So I will definitely be on a Hillsong kick for the next few videos. This song is so much more powerful in person than on a cd or ipod.
Friends, it is truly awe-inspiring to worship with 5000+ other Christians.
Yes. I know, amazing! So I will definitely be on a Hillsong kick for the next few videos. This song is so much more powerful in person than on a cd or ipod.
Friends, it is truly awe-inspiring to worship with 5000+ other Christians.
day 40

Well folks, I did it!!!
I completed the Maker's Diet 40 day health experience officially today.
I am so excited to say that I do fell an overall increase in my health. I have more energy, less headaches, and a smaller appetite. I learned portion control. I learned fruit can be a fantastic dessert because it tastes sweeter when you cut out sugar. I lost almost 10 lbs and have maintained that loss. My pants are pretty loose and I fit into some that I haven't worn in years. My weight is consistent in the mornings, instead of fluctuating by a couple pounds. I believe that if I were to repeat the gluten tolerance test that I did back in February, my results would different...good different.
It is unrealistic of me to think that I can follow TMD guidelines to the tee however. My dear husband loves cheese more than he loves life, and I can't deprive him of that! I can't live without milk (I buy whole organic) and flour tortillas are used in our household for everything from burritos to turkey wraps.
I plan on following a modified version of TMD though. I have learned a lot and I really like the results. I will incorporate a LOT more fresh fruit and veggies in our meals. Snacks will be healthier, portions will be smaller and processed foods will be
If any of you out there are thinking about a radical diet change, I would highly recommend The Maker's Diet!
the maker's diet
who do you say i am?

“But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?" Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”
Matthew 16: 15 - 16
Matthew 16: 15 - 16
my saviour,
more than you can handle
There is a saying in Christian (and non-Christian) circles that even I have been known to use:
God won't give you more than you can handle.
You will not find this verse in scripture. What is in scripture is this:
"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
I the exact opposite is true. I think God absolutely will give us more than humanly possible to handle, because that is the only way we are ever going to truly lean on him. It's the only way we will acknowledge that he is sovereign, that he is in control.
I pray daily (and sometimes hourly) that God would take these burdens that we bear away from us. Sometimes it is a selfish prayer. What if he did take them away? Would I need him anymore? I don't want my God to be a god of convenience. I want my God every millisecond of every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
So I am praising God today for giving me more than I can handle.
God won't give you more than you can handle.
You will not find this verse in scripture. What is in scripture is this:
"I will never leave you nor forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:13
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
I the exact opposite is true. I think God absolutely will give us more than humanly possible to handle, because that is the only way we are ever going to truly lean on him. It's the only way we will acknowledge that he is sovereign, that he is in control.
I pray daily (and sometimes hourly) that God would take these burdens that we bear away from us. Sometimes it is a selfish prayer. What if he did take them away? Would I need him anymore? I don't want my God to be a god of convenience. I want my God every millisecond of every second of every minute of every hour of every day.
So I am praising God today for giving me more than I can handle.
my saviour
god's provision
I love sharing about how God works in my life. As you know, Eric and I are going back to Costa Rica this year to serve the Lord and the Jones family missionaries.
Mission trips cost money. A lot of money. It is a sad fact that this alone has deterred many people from stepping out in faith to go on a mission trip, especially an international one. Friends, the truth is, if it is God's will for you to go he is going to provide. I have seen this provision many, many times.
Eric and I have stepped out in faith twice now regarding the financial aspect of this trip. We aren't rolling in dough over at casa de Evans, if you know what I mean. We could never afford to just pack up and go to Costa Rica on our own. However, this has never stopped us from obeying the call of God in our lives. Both years God has provided for both of us to go on this trip in amazing ways. There have been anonymous donors, family member and friends who have all contributed more than generous amounts to make this trip possible for not only ourselves, but for many others on our team as well. Both summers have been the worst financially for us for several reasons. There was the fact that I am no longer working full time, mandatory furlough weeks and 32 hour work weeks for Eric. Our finances have actually never looked worse in our 4 years of marriage. That's when God is asking you "do you really trust me?"
I am ecstatic to share that our trip this year has been covered financially. God has come through for us in some amazing ways. Eric worked really hard and barely took any vacation time this year in order to save days for this trip. It requires 9 vacation days. He only gets 12 a year. We were worried that once he used them all, we wouldn't be able to travel and see family for the holidays this year. Well sometimes blessings come in disguise. Eric came home and told me they were forcing furloughs again (by the way furlough = nonpaid vacation) but the good news was he could pick when. The better news was he could claim unemployment! So not only do we get to keep a lot of vacation days, we won't be completely unpaid that week either.
God is good people.
All the time.
Please continue to pray for us and our team as we prepare to leave August 1st.
Mission trips cost money. A lot of money. It is a sad fact that this alone has deterred many people from stepping out in faith to go on a mission trip, especially an international one. Friends, the truth is, if it is God's will for you to go he is going to provide. I have seen this provision many, many times.
Eric and I have stepped out in faith twice now regarding the financial aspect of this trip. We aren't rolling in dough over at casa de Evans, if you know what I mean. We could never afford to just pack up and go to Costa Rica on our own. However, this has never stopped us from obeying the call of God in our lives. Both years God has provided for both of us to go on this trip in amazing ways. There have been anonymous donors, family member and friends who have all contributed more than generous amounts to make this trip possible for not only ourselves, but for many others on our team as well. Both summers have been the worst financially for us for several reasons. There was the fact that I am no longer working full time, mandatory furlough weeks and 32 hour work weeks for Eric. Our finances have actually never looked worse in our 4 years of marriage. That's when God is asking you "do you really trust me?"
I am ecstatic to share that our trip this year has been covered financially. God has come through for us in some amazing ways. Eric worked really hard and barely took any vacation time this year in order to save days for this trip. It requires 9 vacation days. He only gets 12 a year. We were worried that once he used them all, we wouldn't be able to travel and see family for the holidays this year. Well sometimes blessings come in disguise. Eric came home and told me they were forcing furloughs again (by the way furlough = nonpaid vacation) but the good news was he could pick when. The better news was he could claim unemployment! So not only do we get to keep a lot of vacation days, we won't be completely unpaid that week either.
God is good people.
All the time.
Please continue to pray for us and our team as we prepare to leave August 1st.
costa rica,
my saviour
happiness is...
... journaling on a mountain top in Costa Rica.

costa rica,
happiness is...,
my saviour
if we've ever needed you
I love this song by Casting Crowns. We've always needed him, but some days we realize it more than others. Not some days we need him more, no we need him the same every day.
We need him to forgive us one more time.
Or a million more, depending on the day.
We need him to pick us up and dust us off.
We need his plan, not ours.
We need his grace.
Words can't describe how we need his grace.
We need him to wash our sins and make us white as snow.
We need him.
We need him to forgive us one more time.
Or a million more, depending on the day.
We need him to pick us up and dust us off.
We need his plan, not ours.
We need his grace.
Words can't describe how we need his grace.
We need him to wash our sins and make us white as snow.
We need him.
my saviour,
great grub 27
Today is day 31 on The Maker's Diet! I am sticking to the plan really well for the most part. I've lost a lot of weight, and maintained that loss even through vacation. I thought I would share with you one on my favorite recipes that sticks to TMD standards. I have used this one a lot! It is super simple (as is all the food I eat lately) and definitely yummy.
Baked Asian Salmon
- two 6 oz. salmon fillets (skin on or off)
- 2 tsp. sesame seed oil
- 2 tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos
- 1 tsp. honey
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- salt
- pepper
Whisk the oil, Bragg's, garlic honey, salt, and pepper together until combined. Put the salmon fillets into tin foil pouches. Distribute the marinade evenly over the fish and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 425°.
Place the salmon pouches on a pan and bake for 7-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. We like ours with lemony brown rice and sauteed spinach!
(You can also marinate this salmon and then grill it, it is great that way too!)
Baked Asian Salmon
- two 6 oz. salmon fillets (skin on or off)
- 2 tsp. sesame seed oil
- 2 tbsp. Bragg Liquid Aminos
- 1 tsp. honey
- 1 clove garlic, minced
- salt
- pepper
Whisk the oil, Bragg's, garlic honey, salt, and pepper together until combined. Put the salmon fillets into tin foil pouches. Distribute the marinade evenly over the fish and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Preheat oven to 425°.
Place the salmon pouches on a pan and bake for 7-10 minutes, depending on the thickness of the fish. We like ours with lemony brown rice and sauteed spinach!
(You can also marinate this salmon and then grill it, it is great that way too!)
great grub,
the maker's diet
july 200 challenge

Ok so this month has been a little crazy because of The Maker's Diet and vacation. I can not buy food monthly because of all the fresh fruit and veggies I need to be eating. So I have gone 1 or 2 times a week to the store...and I have gone to lots of stores! I have been checking to see where my favorite fresh produce items are on sale and buying them there.
So I have spent $10.33 at Food Lion, $44.75 at Bi-Lo and $48.68 at Wal-Mart. That brings me to a total of $103.76 so far for the month. I am pretty sure I can stay under the $200 budget for July!
200 challenge

“You know that the rulers in this world lord it over their people, and officials flaunt their authority over those under them. But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of everyone else. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Mark 10: 42-45
Mark 10: 42-45
Tal and Acacia do an amazing job calling on the names of Jesus in this song. It's simple and beautiful, honest and reassuring.
The video isn't much to look at, but then that's not really the point is it?
The video isn't much to look at, but then that's not really the point is it?
I want to Gaze at you
Soak in all you do
so simply at your feet
To your voice so sweet
And Let time Pass Away
As I simply Praise
My Lord I cry
Jehovah Elohim
The Lord Most High
and When my hands are raised
My Knees they fall
As I simply Praise
As I see your blood stains
As I see your pain
And I'll dance, dance, dance
Because I am set free
You are my conqueror
Jehovah Nissi
And Let time Pass Away
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
So Let time Pass Away
My Daddy, My Abba, My Best Friend
I want to Gaze at you
Soak in all you do
so simply at your feet
To your voice so sweet
And Let time Pass Away
As I simply Praise
My Lord I cry
Jehovah Elohim
The Lord Most High
and When my hands are raised
My Knees they fall
As I simply Praise
As I see your blood stains
As I see your pain
And I'll dance, dance, dance
Because I am set free
You are my conqueror
Jehovah Nissi
And Let time Pass Away
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
Do I believe that you're my God
That You're all I need That you're all I need
Do I believe that you'll sit down
and be crowned my king for eternity
So Let time Pass Away
My Daddy, My Abba, My Best Friend
Send "Yahweh" Ringtone to Cell Phone
my saviour,
the maker's diet - halfway

That's right, I have made it 20 days today!
You can check out my progress and what I have (and have not) eaten here!
natural living,
the maker's diet
great grub 26
Since I am still on The Maker's Diet I thought it would be appropriate to showcase a recipe that follows those guidelines. My mom actually made this one up for me while we were hanging out by the pool one day and I was complaining that I couldn't drink anything but water. (I love juice, milk, and coke a lot!) It was hot, we were thirsty and thus was born:
Frozen Lemonade
(following the maker's diet guidelines)
- juice of 4 or 5 lemons
- 2 cups water
- 2 tbsp raw honey
- ice cubes
- sprig of mint
Add all the ingredients except for the mint into the blender. Blend until the mixture is combined and frothy. Pour it into chilled glasses and add the mint on top. (I like to push mine down and get a hint of mint in every sip!)
Enjoy poolside!
Frozen Lemonade
(following the maker's diet guidelines)

- juice of 4 or 5 lemons
- 2 cups water
- 2 tbsp raw honey
- ice cubes
- sprig of mint
Add all the ingredients except for the mint into the blender. Blend until the mixture is combined and frothy. Pour it into chilled glasses and add the mint on top. (I like to push mine down and get a hint of mint in every sip!)
Enjoy poolside!
great grub,
natural living,
the maker's diet
4 years

It's been four years babe! Happy Anniversary!
Filled with laughter and tears,
good times and bad,
inside jokes and embarrassing moments,
hope and heartache,
love and more love.
I wouldn't trade a minute of it for the world. I love you more than my words can express.
This is the song that was sung at our wedding:
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