hope is fading

This video by Allan Rosenow is just one example of why Eric and I have decided to pursue adoption.

"This was my capstone Senior project at the University of Cincinnati. The animations were for a site that doesn't really exist, but would have promoted adoption."
-Allan Rosenow


  1. HEATHER!!! Where in the world did you find the "Hope is Fading" video. Oh my gosh! It reminds me of my kids....... especially Sonia. She waited nine years in the orphange for her family (us) to come get her. She did not give up hope and faith. That is why we gave her the middle name "Faith". She said the Lord told her one day her family would come and she was not going to give up.

  2. I stumbled across it on an adoption website. It brought me to tears, even thought the little girl in the video isn't real there are plenty of them out there that are.


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