
"May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else..."
1 Thessalonians 3:12a

how he loves us

John Mark McMillan wrote this song. This is the video explaining the song. It's worth the listen.

Here is the song.

happiness is...

...sleeping late on the weekends we have nothing to do.


Defintion from Merriam-Webster Online
a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities

Lately when I think about all the decisions Eric and I have had to make over the last two years, this is the word that has come to mind. We have felt pulled in two distinct directions, both leading to the same place.

When you talk about infertility, there are some things that just come up. It's human nature I guess.

When I say I am adopting, people ask why we didn't pursue ARTs (assisted reproductive technology) further?
When I say we are thinking of ARTs, people ask why we don't just adopt?
When I say we are pursuing domestic adoption, people ask why we don't go international?
When I say we are thinking of China adoptions in the future, people ask why we don't just adopt from our own country?
When I say we have a plan, people say don't run ahead of God.
When I say we have hope, people say don't get them up too high.
When I talk about adoption, I wonder if I am cheating on my nonexistent biological kids.
When I talk about maybe being pregnant one day, I wonder if I am cheating on my not-adopted-yet kids.

No matter what people say or ask or do, someone has an opinion.
And they will share it.
Whether the advice is asked for, or not.

It's just one more thing we have to deal with on this very long, forked road.

are we there yet?

It's adoption update time again!

We are so close to being done with paperwork! We got our fingerprints done...only to find out that I am in the less that 3% category to have mine rejected! So I am going Friday (again) to redo them. Then it's just financial stuff, getting our behinds to the doctor and snapping a few pics and we can turn in the paperwork! We won't quite be an officially waiting family because we still have the dreaded home and DHEC inspections.

Here is the updated list:

- Application
- SLED authorizations
- Fingerprints
- Discipline Agreement Form
- Financial Agreement Form
- Family History Form
- W-2's and pay stubs
- 14 hours of training
- Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Autobiography
- Medical Report
- Child Factors Checklist
- Openness Checklist
- Birth Certificates
- Marriage License
- Social Security Cards
- Driver's License
- Pictures of home/family
- References
- Fire Inspection
- DHEC Inspection

our god

I know I say this a lot, but this is seriously one of my favorite songs right now. I can't get through it without bawling at how big my God is and how insignificant I am.

happiness is...

... anything chocolate when you've had a bad day!

oh my, here we go!

The Maker's Diet, starting today.
My beautiful friends and accountability partners Kim and Hali are going to do this with me.
Find out if we cheat here!


Today is a special day! Today is the day my dear husband turns 27 years old. Officially into his late-twenties now, old man!

In honor of my best friend and love of my life, here are the top 27 things that I love about him. (There were a lot, so this is as narrowed down as I could get it!)

No particular order...

1. He is super cute.
2. He does the dishes.
3. He never raises his voice, ever.
4. He takes a shower everyday no matter what. (sometimes twice)
5. He has the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen.
6. He mows the lawn, and never complains that I don't help.
7. He burns easily, but is still willing to spend hours on the beach with me.
8. He is probably the most gifted guitar player I know!
9. He only gets seconds of something when he thinks it's to die for.
10. He tells me he loves me at least 3 times a day.
11. He always makes me feel like I'm the number 1 priority.
12. He is funny, really funny.
13. He owns his dorkiness.
14. He is willing to help someone in heartbeat, no questions asked.
15. He looks smokin' in dark wash jeans and tight button up...mmm.
16. He always asks me where I want to go to dinner, knowing he will end up making the decision ;)
17. He puts hot sauce on e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g.
18. He kills the bugs and takes out the trash.
19. He is a man after God's own heart.
20. He is a really talented cook and photographer, but I doubt he knows it!
21. He sleeps on my side of the bed when I'm not there. (I do that too!)
22. He is an awesome home improver!!!
23. He finds great internet deals...scratch that...amazing internet deals.
24. He is an awesome provider.
25. He gets up early to take care of the dogs every morning.
26. He buys me flowers.
27. He will be the best dad in the world one day.

Happy Birthday, my love!

eagles wings

"Yet those who wait for the LORD
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary."

happiness is...

...playing outside with my two fur-children.

inexpensive etsy 13

It's time for the latest edition of inexpensive etsy. It's wedding season, people! That means lots of gifts to buy for your loved ones "tying the knot," "gettin' hitched," and "taking the plunge." No matter who you are buying for the goal is always the same: find something inexpensive and unique that they will love. Now if you know this person well enough to realize that it doesn't matter what you get them if it's not on their registry it's no good, well don't read this post anymore!

When I think back to my wedding presents, my favorite things were always monogrammed! I guess it's because my new initials symbolized that my dear husband and I were bonded in so many ways. I still love our monogram.

Here are my favorite cute and creative monogrammed wedding gifts!

This plate from aedrieloriginals is super cute for display or functionality! She has a lot of selections you can make from rim color to font too.

This next idea from TheLaughingGiraffe is one I actually used! I gave monogrammed beach towels to all my wedding participants (other than bridesmaids and groomsmen). They were a huge hit, especially with the kids. However, the bride and groom just might appreciate these on their tropical honeymoon!

This last one from HouseHoldWords is probably my favorite. What better way for a newlywed couple to establish themselves in a new neighborhood than this fancy-shmancy mailbox cover? Super super cute.

That's all for now! Happy shopping!!!

¿cuando hace salimos?

When do we leave?

For Costa Rica that is. Well my friends, I am so glad you asked!
We are leaving August 2nd - 11th and we can't be more thrilled! I have told you before how I believe a piece of me is forever engraved into that mountainside.

We have already had a fundraiser (humongous yard sale) that generated the team quite a bit of dough. We are planning a pancake breakfast at our church on the 13th. We are sending our support letters tomorrow!

As I did last year, I would like to ask all of you to pray for Eric and I and the rest of the team going to Costa Rica this year. Pray specifically for:

- unity within the team
- traveling mercy
- positive attitudes
- open hearts ready and willing to serve the Lord
- our fearless leader (and my pastor's wife) Kim

Thank you so much for your prayers in advance, and if you feel the Lord leading you to participate financially to our trip, please contact me at heathersevans@gmail.com.

"If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves, he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God my be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and power forever and ever. Amen." 1 Peter 4:11

God bless!

april showers bring may flowers...in june

I thought I'd let you see some of our hard work paying off in the landscape department. Plus it was a chance to show off my photography skills, or lack thereof. Enjoy!

Small pink azalea (Planted last year, bloomed this year!)

Large white azalea (This bush was here when we moved in, but it needed a lot of tlc.)

Begonia (Planted this year behind the border grass and in front of the Nandinas.)

Purple clematis (My favorite! We had over 50 blooms this year!)

Here it is crawling up the railing.

White clematis (This guy climbs up our backyard fence, not as many blooms as the purple...yet!)

Yellow Gerber Daisy (Just got this one, I think it will like in a pot.)

Blue hydrangea (My second favorite, planted last year and bloomed this year!)

Loropetalum (Planted 2 years ago and has grown tremendously.)

Marigold (To keep insects away from our garden.)

We also have two kinds of Hibiscus plants (a Tropical and a Swamp Water) but they haven't bloomed yet. They are usually mid to late summer bloomers. Our Hostas do more than thrive, they take over! They will be blooming in the next few days (little purple flowers).

What are your favorite blooms?

happiness is...

I am starting a new series called "happiness is..." where I will list one small joy that makes life more happy. Feel free to add your own!

...snuggling under the covers with my forever love listening to the rain.

let the waters rise

Such a simple message - I will follow you God.

june 200 challenge

Well I am officially off the shopping-at-the-15th-of-the-month cycle. That's right, I stretched our groceries a whole 2 weeks longer! We went 1.5 months without a shopping trip...and I was out of everything! So I went a little over this month, but not too bad considering this is the first time I have gone over my allotted $200 since we started this little 200 challenge party.

I have also started a new adventure. I am the newest member of the CVS Extra Care Card club. My friend Taylor (shout out) got me hooked. I had to make the initial investment, but after my first purchase of $21.37 (which got me 2 bottles of shampoo, 2 of Eric's deodorant, and 2 body washes) I had $10 worth extra care bucks! That's $10 free money to spend anywhere in the store. AWESOME!

I went to Aldi first, of course. I got a lot there and did pretty well. I got LOTS of fresh fruits and veggies! I spent $69.12. Then on to Wal-Mart. I needed a lot of things, plus I am doing The Maker's Diet soon, which requires some expensive ingredients. I already know I will have to go back, which makes me sad but I can justify it because it is for my health. I spent $120.40 there.

So my total (including CVS, Wal-Mart, and Aldi) comes to $210.89. (If you count that I have $10 waiting to be spent then I really have only gone over by $0.89!)

I am short on time now, so I will post meals later!
Good luck to you all in June!