the maker's diet
I have been wanting to do The Maker's Diet for a while now. I just haven't had the guts...or the accountability! Well I now have a new partner in crime and we will be starting this diet/cleanse/detox/fast in the very near future. As soon as said friend returns from vacation actually.
It is 40 days of a very strict meal plan based on biblical principles. I want to do this diet for several reason all stated in the book:
- to boost my immune system
- maintain my ideal weight
- have abundant energy
- improve my physical appearance
- reduce stress
- improve digestion
The main reason I want to to this diet is because Eric and I are going to Costa Rica for missions in August. I want to be in the right shape spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally for the trip. I believe The Maker's Diet will help me do just that.
The other very important reason for doing this diet is to get my insulin under control. I have been diagnosed with insulin resistance, which is basically pre-diabetes. It runs in my family. I want it under control now so that I don't have to pay the consequences later in life. And yes, it is part of the reason we struggle with infertility.
I will update on my progress at some point during my journey and again at the end. I am not good with diets at all and I hate not eating what I want, so this is going to be a challenge. Keep me in your prayers!
the maker's diet
first fruits...almost
It's been a while since we have had an update on our little garden.
Probably because things haven't really gone as we planned. But it's ok, if there is anything I learned from my education classes in college it's that you monitor and adjust!
Basically out of the 3 squash we planted, 0 sprouted. Out of the 2 zucchini we planted, 1 sprouted. Out of the 5 spinach we planted, 0 sprouted. Our little banana peppers haven't died, but haven't grown. All of our tomatoes are growing, but veeeeeeeery sloooooooooowly. We got 3 new tomato plants (2 beefy boys and a roma) from a good friend of ours who has been growing these babies for years.
We had to move the herbs into pots into the garden area as our rambunctious pup insisted on using it as his own little sandbox.
Here is our progress so far!
Probably because things haven't really gone as we planned. But it's ok, if there is anything I learned from my education classes in college it's that you monitor and adjust!
Basically out of the 3 squash we planted, 0 sprouted. Out of the 2 zucchini we planted, 1 sprouted. Out of the 5 spinach we planted, 0 sprouted. Our little banana peppers haven't died, but haven't grown. All of our tomatoes are growing, but veeeeeeeery sloooooooooowly. We got 3 new tomato plants (2 beefy boys and a roma) from a good friend of ours who has been growing these babies for years.
We had to move the herbs into pots into the garden area as our rambunctious pup insisted on using it as his own little sandbox.
Here is our progress so far!
natural living
healing begins
Awesome song. Awesome band. I'm kinda on a Tenth Avenue kick lately...
chugging along
Time for another update on our latest adventure! We have crossed so many more things off our list! I feel like we are really moving along now. Ahhh's a wonderful thing.
Here is what's left:
- SLED authorizations (scheduled!)
- Fingerprints (scheduled!)
-Discipline Agreement Form
- Financial Agreement Form
-Family History Form
- W-2's and pay stubs
-14 hours of training
- Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Autobiography (mine is done, Eric's still working ;))
- Medical Report
-Child Factors Checklist
-Openness Checklist
-Birth Certificates
-Marriage License
-Social Security Cards
-Driver's License
- Pictures of home/family
- Fire Inspection
- DHEC Inspection
See? I told you it was impressive!
Guess what else? We bought outlet covers and cabinet locks and have started installing them as well. These are things they will be looking for during our DHEC inspection.
And...the most exciting news (well at least for us) is that we have started working on our nursery. Nothing big but tangible things make the idea of having a child in our home feel like a reality. We got a dresser off Craigs List for $35, which will double as the changing table. My mom found a steal of a deal on a jogging stroller at a yard sale (used twice, originally $140, got it for $25!) and we got a closet organizer and crib from IKEA when we went to Charlotte on Mother's Day!
Exciting stuff. I will keep you posted!
Here is what's left:
- SLED authorizations (scheduled!)
- Fingerprints (scheduled!)
- Financial Agreement Form
- W-2's and pay stubs
- Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Autobiography (mine is done, Eric's still working ;))
- Medical Report
- Pictures of home/family
- Fire Inspection
- DHEC Inspection
See? I told you it was impressive!
Guess what else? We bought outlet covers and cabinet locks and have started installing them as well. These are things they will be looking for during our DHEC inspection.
And...the most exciting news (well at least for us) is that we have started working on our nursery. Nothing big but tangible things make the idea of having a child in our home feel like a reality. We got a dresser off Craigs List for $35, which will double as the changing table. My mom found a steal of a deal on a jogging stroller at a yard sale (used twice, originally $140, got it for $25!) and we got a closet organizer and crib from IKEA when we went to Charlotte on Mother's Day!
Exciting stuff. I will keep you posted!
drum roll please
If you receive this award you must nominate at least 1 other blogger and pass it on. And list 10 honest things about yourself that no one knows!
Well this is just plain unexpected! I love winning stuff...even if you don't get anything tangible. Here we go!
10 truths you'd be surprised to know about me
1. I'm only 5' (well ok, 4' 11 3/4" but you'll give me the extra 1/4" right?)
2. I'm slightly obsessed with Cherry Chapstick
3. I am so arachnophobic that I don't even like to say the word spider.
4. My relationship with the Lord grows the most during the hardest times...and we are pretty tight right now.
5. Eric and I dream often about packing up and moving to Costa Rica.
6. My Lebanese grandmother, Tata, is my favorite person in the world besides my amazing husband.
7. I will not die without going to Greece one day.
8. I have been swimming since before I turned 2 years old.
9. I am fiercely loyal (as a wife, friend, mentor, etc.)
10. I have a stubborn streak a mile long but God is teaching me submission (to my husband and to him) on a daily basis.
And now for the fun part. By the power vested in me by bloggers everywhere, I hereby declare this Honesty Award to:
Lauren @ Leaving a Legacy
10 truths you'd be surprised to know about me
1. I'm only 5' (well ok, 4' 11 3/4" but you'll give me the extra 1/4" right?)
2. I'm slightly obsessed with Cherry Chapstick
3. I am so arachnophobic that I don't even like to say the word spider.
4. My relationship with the Lord grows the most during the hardest times...and we are pretty tight right now.
5. Eric and I dream often about packing up and moving to Costa Rica.
6. My Lebanese grandmother, Tata, is my favorite person in the world besides my amazing husband.
7. I will not die without going to Greece one day.
8. I have been swimming since before I turned 2 years old.
9. I am fiercely loyal (as a wife, friend, mentor, etc.)
10. I have a stubborn streak a mile long but God is teaching me submission (to my husband and to him) on a daily basis.
And now for the fun part. By the power vested in me by bloggers everywhere, I hereby declare this Honesty Award to:
Lauren @ Leaving a Legacy
just for fun
great grub 25
This recipe is one of my go-to's on a night where we have no time. It's quick, easy, and yummy! I always have the ingredients on hand. Most families have some version of this meal...
Tuna Melts
- 1 can tuna (I like StarKist in olive oil)
- 1/4 cup mayo
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- salt
- pepper
- garlic powder
- 2 slices cheddar cheese
- 4 slices whole wheat bread
Preheat oven to broil.
Mix tuna, mayo, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic powder thoroughly. Spread half the mixture on two slices of the bread. Put the cheeses slices on the other 2 slices of bread. Place all four pieces in the oven for 3-5 minutes until cheese is melted and bread is golden. Yum! Enjoy with the veggie of your choice! (We like asparagus!)
Tuna Melts
- 1 can tuna (I like StarKist in olive oil)
- 1/4 cup mayo
- 2 tsp lemon juice
- salt
- pepper
- garlic powder
- 2 slices cheddar cheese
- 4 slices whole wheat bread
Preheat oven to broil.
Mix tuna, mayo, lemon juice, salt, pepper, and garlic powder thoroughly. Spread half the mixture on two slices of the bread. Put the cheeses slices on the other 2 slices of bread. Place all four pieces in the oven for 3-5 minutes until cheese is melted and bread is golden. Yum! Enjoy with the veggie of your choice! (We like asparagus!)
great grub
how you can help
This is a quote from our former First Lady, Laura Bush. She and her husband suffered from infertility for many years before conceiving the twins. I don't know what her relationship with Christ is like, but I do know that she puts into words what it feels like better than anyone else. For those of you struggling to understand what it's like for all the couples out there praying for children, here is a glimpse:
"But each milestone came and went. The calendar advanced, and there was no baby. The English language lacks the words "to mourn an absence". For the loss of a parent, grandparent, spouse, child, or friend we have all manner of words and phrases, some helpful, some not. Still, we are conditioned to say something, even if it is only "I am sorry for your loss". But for an absence, for someone who was never there at all, we are wordless to capture that particular emptiness. For those who deeply want children and are denied them, those missing babies hover like silent, ephemeral shadows over their lives. Who can describe the feel of a tiny hand that is never held?"
- Laura Bush
I also want to introduce you to a wonderful site dedicated to educating people on infertility awareness and etiquette and how you can help those around you suffering. It's called Resolve, and you can visit it here. Check it out!
"But each milestone came and went. The calendar advanced, and there was no baby. The English language lacks the words "to mourn an absence". For the loss of a parent, grandparent, spouse, child, or friend we have all manner of words and phrases, some helpful, some not. Still, we are conditioned to say something, even if it is only "I am sorry for your loss". But for an absence, for someone who was never there at all, we are wordless to capture that particular emptiness. For those who deeply want children and are denied them, those missing babies hover like silent, ephemeral shadows over their lives. Who can describe the feel of a tiny hand that is never held?"
- Laura Bush
I also want to introduce you to a wonderful site dedicated to educating people on infertility awareness and etiquette and how you can help those around you suffering. It's called Resolve, and you can visit it here. Check it out!
the almost a mother's day
You all know by now that Eric and I are pursuing adoption (posting on that again soon!) and we are very excited about it. However, that doesn't take the sting out of certain days and times of the year.
I recently celebrated my quarter-of-a-century birthday, which was bittersweet. I love birthdays! But it's also the age where I thought I would at least have one child.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. I love my mom and my mother-in-law and I love that there is a day to celebrate them and all they do for me. Yet I thought by now there would be new meaning to this day as well.
Eric and I decided to take an "I'm almost a mom" day just for us. We went to Charlotte to IKEA...which is kind of an obsession of ours. It was an amazing day of shopping, talking, laughing, and just generally enjoying each other. We did some things that made us feel like expectant parents (because we are!), but that's all I can tell you for now!
To all the mom's, whether biological, adopted, spiritual, expecting, or "paper pregnant," Happy Mother's Day to us all!
I recently celebrated my quarter-of-a-century birthday, which was bittersweet. I love birthdays! But it's also the age where I thought I would at least have one child.
Yesterday was Mother's Day. I love my mom and my mother-in-law and I love that there is a day to celebrate them and all they do for me. Yet I thought by now there would be new meaning to this day as well.
Eric and I decided to take an "I'm almost a mom" day just for us. We went to Charlotte to IKEA...which is kind of an obsession of ours. It was an amazing day of shopping, talking, laughing, and just generally enjoying each other. We did some things that made us feel like expectant parents (because we are!), but that's all I can tell you for now!
To all the mom's, whether biological, adopted, spiritual, expecting, or "paper pregnant," Happy Mother's Day to us all!
great grub 24
I am into quick and easy meals lately. And like I talked about before, changing seasons means changing palettes. I still haven't gotten any watermelon though! Anyway, we had a cook out at Matt and Sarah's for our youth group and I made potato salad. It was my first attempt and it went over extremely well. I didn't have a recipe so here is what I made up!
Heather's Potato Salad
- 2lbs red skin potatoes, chopped into 1" cubes, skin on
- 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
- 2 tbsp mustard
- 1/4 cup pickle relish
- 2 tsp celery salt
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped
Boil potatoes with the skin on for about 10 minutes until just tender. Drain and let cool. In a large bowl, mix all the other ingredients except the eggs. When the potatoes have cooled add them to your mayonnaise mixture. Fold them in gently. Add the eggs. Refrigerate and serve!
Heather's Potato Salad
- 2lbs red skin potatoes, chopped into 1" cubes, skin on
- 1 1/2 cups mayonnaise
- 2 tbsp mustard
- 1/4 cup pickle relish
- 2 tsp celery salt
- 1 tsp salt
- 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped
Boil potatoes with the skin on for about 10 minutes until just tender. Drain and let cool. In a large bowl, mix all the other ingredients except the eggs. When the potatoes have cooled add them to your mayonnaise mixture. Fold them in gently. Add the eggs. Refrigerate and serve!
great grub
It's my 100th post!
I'm doing a little 100 dance today. It's been great sharing my heart and passions with you all! Here is to a thousand more 100s!
just for fun
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