first fruits...almost

It's been a while since we have had an update on our little garden.
Probably because things haven't really gone as we planned. But it's ok, if there is anything I learned from my education classes in college it's that you monitor and adjust!

Basically out of the 3 squash we planted, 0 sprouted. Out of the 2 zucchini we planted, 1 sprouted. Out of the 5 spinach we planted, 0 sprouted. Our little banana peppers haven't died, but haven't grown. All of our tomatoes are growing, but veeeeeeeery sloooooooooowly. We got 3 new tomato plants (2 beefy boys and a roma) from a good friend of ours who has been growing these babies for years.

We had to move the herbs into pots into the garden area as our rambunctious pup insisted on using it as his own little sandbox.

Here is our progress so far!

roma 1

roma 2


zucchini from seed

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