a new journey

I have been holding out on you. Eric and I have made some pretty big decisions in the last few weeks. This is the first time I will be sharing, publicly, about the biggest struggle we have gone through in our married life.


We don't have any and we have been married for almost 4 years. And it isn't because we don't want them. We do. More than anything in the entire world we want little ones running around. We have done a lot in preparation for starting a family.

We bought a 3 bedroom house.
I quit my full time job.
We prayed and prayed.

Right now God isn't necessarily telling us no to biological children, but he isn't saying yes either. He is, however, saying yes to us having children. (More on that later.) The road we are on is long and it is painful, but it is also full of blessings and lessons that I don't think we would have received or learned without it. We are so thankful for the work that God has done, is doing, and will continue to do in both of us. I have never felt closer to him, or my husband. I am not saying there is no more pain, because there is.

"Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Luke 22:42

Now for the fun part! Remember when I said God is saying yes to us having children? That is because some (or all) of the children in our future are not going to look like us. They won't have my eyes or Eric's hair. They may not smile like my husband or laugh like me, but they will be loved just as much as any blood related child.

I don't know who they are, where they are or when they will come to us. But I do know one thing:

I love them already.

Please pray for us as we start a new journey, adoption.

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps."
Proverbs 16:9


  1. I can't wait to meet your kids :)

  2. Thanks everyone! We are excited and ready!

  3. You are so brave to write this post! We are here to support you no matter what!

  4. You two will make wonderful parents! We are very excited for what the Lord has for you two. ~Vargas~

  5. Thanks for being so honest. I look forward to hearing more on the adoption front.

    your long lost friend,

  6. Beautiful post Heather! I am so excited for you all and so encouraged to see what God is doing in yours and Eric's lives. How wonderful to know that although we don't know what God is doing, we DO know that He has a perfect plan for GOOD and for making you more like Jesus through all of this.

    "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

    You will both be wonderful parents! I cannot wait to meet your children one day! :-) Love you lots!

  7. So excited for you! Praying for you as you begin this journey..

    Thelma from HP

  8. Just a few cents from a fellow adoptive mama: they will look like you. In your heart and your eyes. Just you watch. I hear it all the time! :)


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