Today I felt a lot of mixed emotions. On one hand, we finished our 14 hours of training,
woooohoooo! On the other, we have a whole other list of steps to is so overwhelming. I get tired just thinking about it. I have to focus on all the good fun things to come instead of worrying about rushing through this process. But that word is so right: process.
Last time I shared with you our list of things to do. Here is an update on that:
Application- SLED authorizations
- Fingerprints
Discipline Agreement Form- Financial Agreement Form
- Family History Form
- W-2's and pay stubs
14 hours of training- Disaster Preparedness Plan
- Autobiography (from both of us)
- Medical Report
Child Factors Checklist-
Openness Checklist- Birth Certificates
- Marriage License
- Social Security Cards
- Driver's License
- Pictures of home/family
References- Fire Inspection
- DHEC Inspection
Feels like a small dent, but progress is progress! I have finished my autobiography too, but Eric is working on his.
Here is what we learned about the actual process after our paperwork is turned in:
- Paperwork turned in
- Selection committee chooses us for a child(ren)
- DSS calls us with the general information, we decide if we want to pursue at that point
- Meet at DSS for the specific information on our child(ren)
- Take home the specific document to review and make our final decision
- If we say yes, visits with the child occur until the child is considered "attached" enough to stay with us
- The legal process begins
- We basically sue DSS for the rights to the child(ren) with their help
Finalization occurs when the gavel comes down and they are officially and legally ours!!!
I am so ready for finalization, but I am determined not to run ahead of God and his will for not only our lives, but the lives of our future children.
Keep the prayers coming. We found out today as well that we were not given a packet of very pertinent information about the Fire and DHEC Inspections. We will be getting it this week but I hate feeling like I am behind.
More updates to come!