
Trusting My Saviour

When it's easy
- in times of joy
- when feeling financially secure
- when daily devotions are in place
- when praying without ceasing
- when things go the way I want/expect/prayed for
- when friends are there
- when family gets along
- when I'm caught up on housework
- most days

When it's not
- in times of pain/sadness
- when I don't understand
- when daily devotions slip away
- when prayer becomes about me, me, me
- when things don't go the way I want/expect/prayed for
- when friends are busy
- when family fails
- when the laundry piles up
- today.

"Though he slay me, yet I will hope in Him."
Job 13:15

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Dear (stalkers) readers,
I love your feedback so feel free to comment away! Just don't write anything too mean because I'll cry when I delete it!
You're boostin' my ego