the family

Before I get started talking about all the amazinglywonderfulonlyGodcoulddothat stuff that happened on my trip to Costa Rica, I thought it was high time I introduce you to my family there. I say they are my family because that is how Eric and I feel. We love this family so, so much. It's hard to believe that we have only known them since 2009, because it feels like they have been a part of us forever.

Meet the Jones' Family!
Timothy and Keiry (pronounced "Katie") are two of the most amazing people/parents I have ever met. Their love for the Lord and for each other is unparalleled. They just celebrated their 23rd anniversary, which just happens to be three days after our anniversary! Timothy is hard at work translating the bible into Cabecar. You can read more about that here. Keiry is the glue that holds this family together, I want to be just like her one day!

Now for the most beautiful children on earth!

The oldest is Rebekah. She is in college to be a dentist! All of the Jones' kids are hard workers, but I have never heard a single complaint come from Rebekah's mouth. Hannah is next, and she is also in college. She is a business major. She is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. Mark is number three and the first boy. He is in his last year of high school and he exemplifies what it means to be a man after God's own heart. He is also a very talented guitar player (Eric and Mark get along very well!) Ruthie (Ruth) has more personality in her pinky than I do in my whole body. This girl is hilarious, loves to laugh, and has a passion for horses and Jesus. John is the quintessential 9 year old boy! He has the most contagious laugh, but he is probably the most sensitive of the kids too. I love to watch him worship. Abby (Abigail) is the baby. She is the most adorable child on the planet and very thoughtful. It has been incredible to see her growing up every year.

I could write a novel on this family. The most incredible thing to me, other than how much they love God, is how much they love each other. The sibling relationships are absolutely wonderful. Honestly, it makes me a little jealous sometimes! I love my siblings, but I can see the difference being raised in a Christ-like home makes on the interactions between brothers and sisters.

I'll be honest (but then when am I not with you?) I am still processing the trip. I am still going back and reading my journal about everything that went on. I am still seeing God do things, long after we are home, as proof of his sovereignty and grace. I have a lot I can share, but a lot that I cannot, so I am really praying about my words before I present them to you.

(and yes, for all my anxious readers *cough*Deb*cough* I will post an adoption update soon ;) )


  1. What a wonderful family! Can't wait to hear more about your last couple of weeks and how God has blessed you all. And more about adoption. :)

  2. Love how God places people in our lives like that! They sound like an amazing family!

    And totally off-topic... but you are SO the teacher from the latest Alvin & the Chipmunks movie!!! :)

  3. Oh Wow! I'm glad that you had a great trip and spent some time w/ such a nice family!
    And yes... can't wait to hear the adoption update!


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