what had happened was

So I am a little out of blog world lately.
I hate it.
I love to blog.
And read other's blogs.
And fill these pages with random thoughts and ramblings from my mind.

I still have to cook.
Do laundry.
Spend time with Jesus.
Spend time with Eric.
Small group.

In no particular order. The list goes on...and frankly I am overbooked right now. So we will be back to our regularly scheduled programming asaicgatjd (as soon as i can get all this junk done, I'm not patenting this, so it's free for the taking).

Miss you all! Be back soon!


  1. I'm there with you, sister. I have not posted in almost two weeks now. Ugh.

  2. Busy, busy, busy! I feel right there with you, unfortunately. I pray we both get the rest and refreshment we need. Cheers to that thought!


Dear (stalkers) readers,
I love your feedback so feel free to comment away! Just don't write anything too mean because I'll cry when I delete it!
You're boostin' my ego