cleaning party at my house!

Since I don't have a real update for you, because we haven't heard from our social worker still, I figured I would update on our progress with the house. We only have a few things left! I am excited about that, and not-so-excited all at the same time. Confused? Yeah me too.

Excited because that was a heck of a list we got through! Not-so-excited because what if we get done with our list and still no homestudy? That leaves me sitting. Waiting. Wondering. Anxious. With nothing to do. Have I mentioned lately that I'm not so good with the whole waiting thing? Mmmmk just makin' sure.

Here's the list:

Fire Inspection
- smoke alarms installed:
          - on the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms
          - in each room used for sleeping purposes
          - in each story within a dwelling unit
- fire extinguisher shall be located in the cooking area mounted on a wall in an accessible location and not obscured from view
- each facility housing foster children shall have two independent means of escape
- a fire plan describing what actions are to be taken by the family in the even of a fire must be developed, posted, and copies made available to the local fire department noting the location of all crib infants
          - notation of two ways out, meeting place, locations of fire extinguishers, and smoke alarms to be noted on plan (I've started but I can't finish until we get the smoke detectors.)
- fire drill conducted every 3 months, save records
- resident bedrooms shall have emergency egress openings with:
          - window/door with minimum net clear opening of 5 square feet for ground level with dimensions 24"x20", bottom of opening is not to be greater than 44" measure from floor
- exit hallways/access/doors are not blocked
- no gasoline or gasoline appliances stored in or under home
- dryer vents not clogged or crushed
- electrical blanks kept in receptacles at all times
- keep 3 foot clearance from all electrical/mechanical equipment
- windows operational

*There are many, many specifics that I am leaving out, but you get the general idea.

DHEC Inspection (SC Department of Health and Environmental Control)
- all pets must have vaccinations up to date with a copy of shot record available (vaccinations 11/16/10)
- refridgerator must have thermometer to ensure that temperature is 42 degrees or cooler
- hot water heater is set no higher than 120 degrees
- well water will be check for contamination (We don't have a well!)
- all chemicals, toxic substances, or medicines must be in a locked cabinet or out of reach of small children 
- refuse storage and disposal will be check (city trash pick up, taking trash to county disposal center, burning, etc. ) (We have city!)
- disposal of waste water will be checked (city sewer or septic tank) (We have city!)
- microwaves will be checked for leakage (how is this even possible?)
- lead paint testing (getting the kit from Lowes)

So I have decided, since I love lists so much (insert sarcastic tone here) that I'd just create another one. This one is slightly embarrassing however, because it pertains to the condition of my house. It's just me and Eric and a couple dogs but man, 1400+ square feet gets dirty quick in 2.5 years of house owning! So here is my IneedtocleanthisnastyplaceupbeforesomeonecomesbytodecideifIcanparent list:

Operation Clean House
- dust ceiling fans
- dust baseboards/vents
- dust blinds
- move e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g to vacuum
- gets spots out of carpet
- shampoo carpet
- move e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g to sweep and mop
- scrub both bathrooms until my hands are raw
- paint front porch with nonslip concrete paint
- install front porch railing 
- sweep garage/tidy it up
- stain/water-seal back deck

Anything else you guys can add that I am forgetting? Little or big, things you wouldn't normally clean? How about that cleaning party? Who's game? I'll even throw in a pizza or two...


  1. If I lived closer I would so be there to help. Especially since we are just sitting here waiting! Really frustrating! I went through the house and decluttered closets and cabinets and even spruced up the yard a bit. I still have to find space for the things that are in the "kids" closets right now before we hear anything. But the problem is where do I put it? Good luck cleaning and fixing up, and don't feel bad, we have only lived here for 1 1/2 years and ours was bad! I even cleaned the cabinet doors and one of my sister-in-laws came in and asked if I restained them! I didn't think they were that bad!! LOL

  2. i loved your cleaning list because no one checked any of those things when they came to our house. i still clean the whole house when the social worker comes for her monthly visit and they see one room, stay for 15 minutes...and that's the end :)

  3. Good luck with your list! I'm coming up with ways to deal with the wait. It's not always easy. Big hugs! You'll hear from the SW soon!!!

  4. Heather,
    So good to see your progess. You have done SO much already. Can't wait to keep reading your updates. :)

  5. Doesn't it feel great though to mark all of those things off! I did the same thing and was disappointed when all we did was basically take our social worker on a tour of our house. :) At least it was clean though!

  6. Can we make a deal??? You can help me get ready for "Adam"... & I'll help you! Seriously, I cleaned a child's closet (I want name which one) today & filled up 4 bags of trash & give away. I think I'm gonna need to have a cleaning party, too! Btw, I think it's a great idea if someone would organize it! : ) Let's do it! Children come at just the right time. : ) Praying for you all!


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