the road less traveled

Linking up with Linny for Memorial Box Monday! (a little late, I know)

This is an oldie, but a goodie. This is the story of how I came to do what I do now.

It was my second year of college that I decided that I wanted to be a Mathematics major and I wanted to teach high school. That was the goal, as soon as it popped into my head I knew it was what I was supposed to do. So I started my math classes and my education classes. Along with the classes came clinicals. I actually ended up doing one of my clinicals at my alma mater high school. Then I did my student teaching there. Then (after graduating) I was hired. Just like that! No interview or anything, it seriously all fell into place.

I taught for two lovely albeit stressful years. About halfway through my first year teaching I felt the Lord impress upon me that I should leave teaching. Leave??? Clearly I hadn't heard him right. I loved teaching, loved the kids, loved coaching swimming. I was first year teacher of the year for Pete's sake (whoever Pete is). This was the right path, the one he had laid out for me.

Or so I thought. I told my husband what I thought the Lord was telling me, and he agreed.

The next week I went on a women's retreat with my church. I was filled with anxiety and worry, as we had just bought our first house and all of my thoughts centered on "how in the world will we make this work financially?" You see, the plan wasn't for me to work full-time again.

I promise the rest of this story is true. In that very same weekend I was offered not one, but two jobs from women in my church. One was taking care of a sweet elderly lady two days a week. The other was tutoring at a christian-based learning center.

How great is our God???

I wouldn't be working full-time and I would be doing things that I LOVE! I am still doing those things today. It will be such a blessing when we get our child(ren) to be able to have a flexible schedule, to spend time with them, and to be able to take them with me for the most part.

Oh the provisions he makes!


  1. WOW! I'll be listening for God to whisper in my ear about that! Amen!

  2. I think God did plan for you to teach. You touched many lives and learned many things yourself. I think you listened to him twice. Once when He took you to teaching and again when He lead you away. He is awesome. He is paving the way for a wonderful family life for you!

  3. Great story of God's provision. I have to tell you I started chuckling the minute I read about being a math teacher poppin in your head. For me that would have been a miracle indeed - I flunked out 1st year of algebra and when it came time in homeschooling for teaching more then the basics my kiddos went to Christian School! Definitely not a math brain here!!

    bee blessed

  4. I love your story...and I love that you are doing what you love. Isn't it the best when we hear God speak? Seriously. The best. Thank you for sharing! xo


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