memorial box monday - confirmation

I am linking up with Linny at A Place Called Simplicity for Memorial Box Monday.

Sorry I wasn't around last time, I was on a mission trip in Costa Rica! This post actually has to do with that trip. Eric and I went for our second Costa Rica trip this year and I know I prayed about specific things that I wanted God to reveal to me.

I wrote in my journal on the mountain overlooking the village of Grano de Oro:
"God, I just want clarity and peace about the adoption."

I honestly don't know why I wrote it. I have felt complete peace about the adoption process since we started in February. So I basically ignored it and went on with the trip.

Towards the last few nights of the trip our fearless leader decided it would be good for our team (of 20) to have a time of prayer and sharing. A few people shared how the trip had changed them and what they learned. Then my husband, the man who is never up for sharing or talking a lot in general, starts to talk about the things God has taught him on this trip. At first he starts talking about work and work-related stress and how God has shown him that yes, it is where he needs to be right now. Then he says he has been praying about our adoption. I knew immediately by the tone of his voice that he had been having doubts, although he never discussed them with me. He says that God has given him clarity and peace about adopting, and he is ready for our child.

Hello??? I wrote those exact words in my journal just a few days before.
We serve an awesome God people.

To top it all off, because God likes to ice the cake sometimes, another team member starts sharing. She met us last year on the trip but we haven't kept in contact. She says that when she started praying for the trip a few weeks before, all she could think of was Eric and I. So she prayed for us, even though she didn't know why. She explained that she tried to pray for others, but God just wouldn't allow it! She didn't know anything about our inability to have kids and our plans to adopt.

Today I thank God for confirmation, and for linking hearts together that wouldn't otherwise have connected.


  1. That is so awesome! The power of prayer is just staggering sometimes! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Beautiful! I pray for you guys and your child without fail every morning and every night! And I will until your family is complete!

  3. Praise God!! He is awesome, and His peace and clarity is priceless! Reading this post gave me chills...the good kind. :-)

  4. Prayer is amazingly powerful. Every time we went down to the village to have VBS with the kids I felt that God was showing me that every single child matters and there are children out there that need a family.

  5. Your post gave me chills...What a beautiful and powerful example of prayer and the power behind it....Wow and WOW again. Praising God for you adn the future child that is coming for you God's timing and God's way...

  6. Okay...I am crying... this is beautiful, Heather. I would like a copy...pleeese! And what Eric said above brought more tears to my eyes. God is faithful...we will wait & watch His plan unfold. Oh, how I love you both!!!


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