You may remember waaaay back when I first started this blog I posted about our upcoming Costa Rica trip. Well, it is that time again!
We had our first informational meeting today about the trip set for late July. We will be returning to the small town of Grano de Oro, Costa Rica to help the Jones' family who are missionaries there. We learned so much about what God wants from us up on that mountain. Eric and I seriously have a heart for this trip, even though we have only been once. We have prayed diligently about going again since we got back last year. Right now God is sending us a resounding yes.
So we get to start the cycle of fundraising, support letters, and working overtime to raise the money it will take to get us there. (We aren't super worried about the money it would take to get us back...;) )
Right now all we are asking for is prayer.
Pray for the Jones' family as they prepare for us.
Pray for the people who have/have not decided to go.
Pray for wisdom for our sweet leader, who is also my Pastor's wife.
Pray for Eric and I that we would continue in God's will for this trip.
Pray for the people of Costa Rica that they would see Christ's love through our actions and service.
Part of my heart (and Eric's) lies in the mountains of Grano de Oro. I am so excited to go back and leave more of it.