Yesterday was Easter Sunday. This follows Good Friday, which for me this year, was absolutely amazing. We had a "Tenebrae" service at church that Friday. If you want to know more about it, go to my friend Steve's blog. It is all explained there!
Back to the story at hand. I woke up Sunday morning (Eric had to play in the praise band this morning so he was already at church by the time I woke up.) thinking to myself Easter just isn't the same as an adult as it is when you are a child. There is no half-eaten carrot on the table where the Easter bunny had been, no Easter basket, and worst of all, no candy. Slightly dejected I got up, took a shower, put on my new Easter dress and headed to church.
As I walked up to then entrance I was greeted by my friend Matt who informed me that there was a surprise inside on the Welcome desk for me and Eric. By the time I got to the Welcome desk I had met 3 others who told me the same thing! Well Eric found it first and had already put it on my seat. Lo and behold there was a bona fide Easter basket on my chair at church this morning with a note that read "To Eric and Heather Evans, From The Easter Bunny." No joke! It was filled to the brim with Easter treats, including milk chocolate eggs (one of my faves) peeps (Eric's fave), two water guns, Hershey's chocolate bunny, jelly beans, easter side walk chalk, sweet tart bunnies, and a Reese's bunny. The Easter Bunny knows us well! Even after all these years...

Eric and I both agreed our favorite treat was the Funny Bunny wind up rabbit that "drops" jelly beans from under his tail as he hops. The Easter Bunny has a sense of humor!
So the moral of the story is, just when you think all of your childhood has past, the Easter Bunny comes to visit! So Easter Bunny, wherever you may be, THANK YOU!
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